Hearing that Holkham NNR had reopened after lockdown I was keen to pay the site a visit. After paying £6 for 4 hours parking at Lady Anne's Drive we began to explore. First thing to do was to check the trunks of the Poplar trees that line the drive in search of Hornet clearwing moths. We found many exit holes which adults had emerged from but no sign of the adults themselves.
Hornet clearwing moth (a superb mimic) stock photo |
From the boardwalk we headed down the Western track with butterflies constantly flitting all around us. A good selection was seen. Peacock, Comma, Red admiral, Brown argus, Essex and Small skippers, Meadow brown, Ringlet, Speckled wood, Gatekeeper, Common and Holly blue and Small tortoiseshell were all abundant, while we saw 1 single Purple hairstreak high in an ancient Oak's canopy and 4 Dark-green fritillaries.
Ringlet |
Mating Large whites |
Dark green fritillary |
Other highlights in the woods included a spectacular Long-horned beetle and a lovely Mint leaf beetle.
Mint leaf beetle |
Cinnabar moth caterpillar |
Black and yellow longhorn beetle |