Saturday, 18 April 2020

18th April - Do you have superhero powers?

Who hasn't at some point wished that they had superpowers?
To run as fast as a cheetah?
To hear so well you can listen to moles thinking deep underground?
To have the eyesight of a hawk?
A few of my binoculars
Never going to happen you may be thinking, and you'd be right for most of it.  However the eyesight of a hawk is within your grasp through the use of binoculars.  Raise them to your eyes and the world becomes 8x or 10x bigger.  The distant black blob on the hedge turns into a lovely bright yellowhammer while that tiny dark speck in the sky resolves itself into the familiar shape of a kestrel.
     Many people feel self-conscious wearing binoculars.  You really shouldn't.  Personally I feel naked without them.
     So dust off those binoculars which are sitting unloved in the cupboard.  Get up in the attic and dig out grandad's old binoculars or get online and order a new pair.
     You will be amazed at the difference they can make and the enjoyment you can get from your daily walk when you have the eyes of a hawk.
Swift Areolite (my first pair - I've had these since I was 5 years old)
Ross Steptron (these are 60 years old but still provide a clear sharp view)
My Swarovski

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