A lovely sunny evening prompted a stroll around the local lanes. The golden yellow blaze of oil seed rape is dominating many fields and its distinctive aroma filled our nostrils for the majority of our walk.
Oil seed rape field |
The field edges and hedgerows were buzzing with insect life while Skylarks filled the air with their joyous songs.
Hairy shield bug |
Yellow-legged nomad bee |
The highlight of the walk came in the woodland strip near Tuppeney Grove. We had both stopped to observe a female Chaffinch sat calling, when completely unseen by us a Tawny owl flew from its daytime roosting spot about a metre away from the Chaffinch. I had a rough idea where the Tawny had landed further down the lane. It was now time to let other birds do the work of finding it for us. Most birds have an inbuilt fear of owls and upon locating one they will scold and sometimes mob them, and so it was the case on this occasion: Great tit, Blackbird and Chaffinch all started alarm calling in the same small patch of the woods. A careful scan (with binoculars) of the area soon had us looking at a lovely Tawny owl. The Tawny was equally interested in us staring down at us with those big black forward facing eyes.
Sunset |
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